
Workshop: From THz to X-ray - Inventing the Future

Donnerstag/Thursday, 31.03.2016, ETHZ

Optical Sensing Workshop:  From THz to X-ray -  Inventing the Future


Optical sensors allow for new applications in numerous fields such as Precision Machinery, Safety & Security Systems, Autonomous Robots and Vehicles, Medical Diagnostics, and Life Sciences in general, which are all of major importance for the Swiss economy. They make use of the interaction of matter with electromagnetic radiation and cover many orders of magnitude in energy and frequency.
The workshop features outstanding speakers and an extensive roundtable discussion to identify recent exciting developments in the various wavelength ranges and measurement techniques for optical sensing. This will help to define relevant focus areas of the Optical Sensors Lab with respect to future networking, education and infrastructure activities.

Thursday 31st March 2016

13:00 Coffee / Registration outside of the lecture hall D 32
13:30 Presentations
15:15 Networking Break, Sponsoring Swissphotonics
16:45 Roundtable Discussion
17:45 Apéro Riche, Sponsoring Swissphotonics

ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg; Science City Campus
Public Transport: Link – shuttle bus of ETH
Parking: Please use the underground parking garage P1
There is a small fee to be paid (in coins) on the park deck
On campus: See map for location of building HPL
ETH Life Science Plattform
Otto-Stern-Weg 7, 8093 Zürich
Main entrance to building HPL is on the E floor.
Please proceed one floor down to D floor, staircase is to the right of the entrance.

Conference language

free of charge

Registration compulsory
(Link on top of the page.)
Limited number of attendees: First come first serve

Barbara Schirmer
ETH Zürich - Photonics Laboratory, HPP M25.1, Hönggerbergring 64, 8093 Zürich
tel: +41 (0) 44 633 06 34

Prof. Lukas Novotny, ETHZ, contact point
SNOS (Swiss National Laboratory for Optical Sensors)
Prof. Peter Seitz, EPFL and Hamamatsu
Dr. Lukas Emmenegger, Empa

Contact at Swissphotonics
Christoph S. Harder
President Swissphotonics
+41 79 219 90 51

Beni Muller, 4. Juni 2016
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Prof. Dr. Lukas Novotny, ETH Photonics Laboratory, ETH Hönggerberg Zurich Welcome and Introduction Icon (59 KB) 
Dr. Christoph S. Harder, President Swissphotonics, Wollerau SZ Swissphotonics: Swiss National Photonics Labs Icon Harder (316 KB) 
Dr. Carolina Medrano, CEO Rainbow Photonics AG Advanced THz measurement technology and high-value applications Icon Medrano (4.06 MB) 
Dr. Bruno Koller, CEO Scanco Medical AG and Dr. Stefan Hämmerle, Chief Engineer CT-Systems, Scanco Medical AG, Brüttisellen ZH Recent developments in X-ray imaging Icon Koller (7.73 MB) 
Dr. Francesca Venturini, Lecturer and Project Manager NIR Spectroscopy, ZHAW Zürich Progress in NIR spectroscopy and its industrial applications Icon Venturini (2.27 MB) 
Dr. Andreas Hugi, CEO and co-founder IRsweep GmbH Fast and broadband mid-IR sensing for multi-species detection Icon Hugi (2.04 MB) 
Prof. Juerg Leuthold, Head of Electromagnetic Fields Laboratory, ETH Zurich Metamaterial - a technique to make Mid-IR Sources practical Icon Leuthold (2.52 MB) 
Prof. Dr. Peter Seitz, EPFL and Hamamatsu Photonics France, 4500 Solothurn Moderator: Roundtable discussion Icon (59 KB) 
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Swissphotonics, Verein Schweizer Laser und Photonik Netz VSLP | Sihleggstrasse 23 | CH-8832 Wollerau | E-Mail | |