
Workshop: APPOLO

Mittwoch/Wednesday, 04.11.2015, BFH Burgdorf

High Throughput and High Precision Laser Micro Machining with Ultra Short Pulses APPOLO

stands for Hub of Application Laboratories for Equipment Assessment in Laser Based Manufacturing. The APPOLO project seeks to establish and coordinate connections between the end-users, which have demand on laser technologies for (micro)fabrication, knowledge accumulated in the application laboratories of research institutes and universities and the laser equipment manufacturers (preferable SMEs: for integration, lasers, beam control and guiding, software, etc.) in order to facilitate faster validation of the process feasibility and adaptation or customization of the technology (equipment) for manufacturing conditions, including reliability of components and their interaction as well as assessment of the dedicated production processes in terms of the process speed, quality and repeatability.

The actual APPOLO workshop on high throughput and high precision laser micro machining with ultrashort pulses follows this idea and brings together researchers, laser and laser equipment manufacturers as well as integrators and end users. Speakers from APPOLO partners as well as from other companies and research institutes will present and discuss actual demands, physical basics, principal limits and new innovative solutions. The goal of the workshop is to give you an overview about the actual trends and developments in laser systems and equipment for micro machining with ultra-short pulses to encourage the development of new ideas for industrial applications.

09:30 Registration, Coffee
10:00 Welcome, Presentations (3x20 min)
11:20 Lunch (sponsoring APPOLO) parallel to Labtour ALPS
13:10 Presentations (5x20 min)
14:50 Networking break (sponsoring Swissphotonics)
15:20 Presentations (5x20 min)
17:00 Apéro riche (sponsoring Swissphotonics)

Bern University of Applied Sciences BUAS
Berner Fachhochule BFH-TI
Auditorium Pestalozzistrasse 20, 3400 Burgdorf BE

This Workshop is free of charge including labtour, lunch, break and apéro.

Registration compulsory, link on top of the page.
There are still free places available.
Deadline: Fr. 30. Oktober 2015


Contact APPOLO
Prof. Dr. Beat Neuenschwander

Contact Swissphotonics
Christoph S. Harder
President Swissphotonics
+41 79 219 90 51

Beni Muller, 10. Dezember 2015
Icon Registration
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Icon Speakers (PDF) (9.62 MB)
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Peter Brunner; Head R&D, Bern University of Applied Sciences (BUAS), Biel/Bienne BE Welcome from BUAS Icon Brunner (921 KB) 
Dr. Gediminas Raciukaitis; Initiator and coordinator of APPOLO, head of Dept. of Laser Technologies of the State research institute Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC), Vilnius, Lithuania Welcome from Appolo, Moderation Icon Raciukaitis (1.97 MB) 
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Dr. Christoph S. Harder; President Swissphotonics, Wollerau SZ Moderation Icon (59 KB) 
Prof. Dr. Beat Neuenschwander; Professor at Bern University of Applied Sciences (BUAS), Burgdorf BE High Efficient and High Quality Surface Structuring of Metals Icon Neuenschwander (5.97 MB) 
Thorsten Kramer; Bern University of Applied Sciences (BUAS) Shedding Light on Pulse Bursts Icon Kramer (870 KB) 
Professor Dr.-Ing. Ronald Holtz; Head of 3D-Laser Micromachining Group at the Institute of Product and Production Engineering IPPE, FHNW, Windisch AG and CEO Class 4 Laser Professionals AG, Lyss BE Industrial applications with ultra-fast lasers - status quo? Icon Holtz (4.41 MB) 
Dr. habil. Marwan Abdou-Ahmed; Institut für Strahlwerkzeuge, University of Stuttgart (IFSW) Laser for the Future, towards 1kW USP Power Icon Ahmed (2.28 MB) 
Dr. Kurt Weingarten; General Manager at Lumentum Switzerland AG, Schlieren ZH Ultrafast Laser Solutions for microprocessing Icon Weingarten (2.98 MB) 
Dr.-Ing. Claus Schnitzler; Managing Partner of Amphos GmbH, Herzogenrath D High Power Ultra-Short Pulsed Lasers Icon Schnitzler (2.31 MB) 
Lars Penning; Managing director, Next Scan Technology, Evergem Belgium Polygon Scanners: Capabilities, applications and system considerations Icon Penning (4.2 MB) 
Dr. Christoph Wienken; European Sales Teamleader at Scanlab AG, Puchheim (München) D New Generation Galvo Scanning Technology Icon Wienken (940 KB) 
Dr. Grigory Lazarev; Holoeye Photonics AG, Berlin-Adlershof, D Spatial Light Modulators in Laser Microprocessing Icon Lazarev (3.31 MB) 
Dr. Jens Holtkamp; Managing Director Pulsar Photonics GmbH, Aachen D Innovative beam forming concepts Icon Holtkamp (1.91 MB) 
Dr. Guido Hennig; Technology Manager Laser Engraving, Daetwyler Graphics AG, Bleienbach BE Ultrafast Beam Modulation and delivery for printing and embossing applications Icon Hennig (3.67 MB) 
Dr. Thomas Bewer; Head of Advanced Development, Trumpf Maschinen AG, Baar ZG Laser equipment for microprocessing Icon Bewer (1.24 MB) 
Guilherme Mallmann; M.Sc. , Gruppenleiter Faseroptische Sensoren, Abteilung Produktionsmesstechnik, Fraunhofer Institut für Produktionstechnologie IPT, Aachen D Sensor based adaptive laser micromachining using ultrashort pulse lasers for zero-failure manufacturing Icon Mallmann (2.16 MB) 
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Swissphotonics, Verein Schweizer Laser und Photonik Netz VSLP | Sihleggstrasse 23 | CH-8832 Wollerau | E-Mail | |