
Workshop: Large-area SSL

Donnerstag/Thursday, 30.10.2014, Muttenz BL

Large-area Solid State Lighting
Swissphotonics and the Swiss National Laboratory for Solid State Lighting (SSSL) invite to a workshop on Large-area SS with the European project LASSIE-FP7, and with CSEMAMIRES and EPIC

Solid-state lighting (SSL) represents a new revolution in the lighting domain, comparable to the invention of the incandescent bulb in the 19th century. As is unanimously recognized, SSL devices such as semi-conductor-based light-emitting diodes (LEDs) or organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) are the light sources of the future. The Workshop aims to provide an overview on the current trends of both the technology and the market, as well on the latest technical developments, with focus on large-area illumination for professional and architectural lighting.

Target public
Technical, R & D, companies (from SMEs to LMEs), but also light designers, architects, or eventually end-users (e.g. large retailers, etc.)

09:00 Registration, Coffee by Brüderli Gastronomie, Sponsoring Swissphotonics
09:30 Welcome
09:45 Session 1: The SSL revolution: perspectives and requirements from the lighting industry
10:45 Networking Break by Brüderli Gastronomie, Sponsoring Swissphotonics
11:15 Session 2: New trends in SSL
12:15 Lunch Break by Brüderli Gastronomie, Sponsoring Swissphotonics
13:30 Session 3: Technology developments in SSL: LEDs ad OLEDs
14:50 Networking Break by Brüderli Gastronomie
15:20 Session 4: New developments in SSL: towards large area SSL luminaires
16:20 Round Table: Future Challenges in SSL: from Technology to Market
17:00 Apéro Riche by Brüderli Gastronomie, Sponsoring Swissphotonics

Tabletop exhibition Cralas GmbH - CSEM SA - Electrosuisse - EMPA - EPIC - Fluxim AG - LASSIE-FP7 - Luger Research - Photonics 21 - Regent AG - Sefar AG - SPECTARIS - Zumtobel AG

Conference language

Pantheon Basel (Schweizer Forum für Oldtimer, Swiss Forum for Vintage Cars)
Hofackerstrasse 72
4132 Muttenz BL

This workshop is free of charge

Deadline for inscription 2
4. 10. 2014

Program Chair
Dr. Rolando Ferrini
Section Head Integrated Light Management CSEM SA Muttenz BL
Project Coordinator LASSIE-FP7
T +41 61 690 60 13
F +41 61 690 60 00

Additional partners

Beni Muller, 20. July 2015
Icon Registration
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Dr. Christian Bosshard, Vice-President Thin Film Optics, CSEM Muttenz, Managing Director Swissphotonics NTN Welcome Icon Bosshard (788 KB) 
Session 1 (Morning) The SSL revolution : perspectives and requirements from the lighting industry Icon (59 KB) 
Dr. Thierry Dreyfus; Regent Lighting AG, Basel SSL for professional / architectural Lighting and Standards Icon Dreyfus (1.21 MB) 
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Mönch; Professor of Technical Optics with the Technische Hochschule Georg Simon Ohm of Nuremburg From chips to large-area Lighting Icon Moench (480 KB) 
Dr. Konrad Sell ; Business Center OLED Lighting, Philips GmbH, Aachen, Germany OLED functional lighting – Technology and Markets Icon (59 KB) 
Session 2 (Morning) New trends in SSL Icon (59 KB) 
Prof. Dr. Jean-Louis Scartezzini; Laboratoire d'énergie solaire et physique du bâtiment LESO-PB (Solar Energy and Building Physics Laboratory), EPFL Lausanne Smart lighting: SSL and daylighting, a route towards circadian-compatible lighting Icon Scartezzini (1.43 MB) 
Daniel Schlaepfer; Lausanne VD The tools of a light designer Icon Schlaepfer (2.94 MB) 
Dr. Rolando Ferrini; Section Head Integrated Light Management at CSEM / Project Coordinator LASSIE-FP7 Large Area Solid State Intelligent Efficient luminaires Icon Ferrini (3.65 MB) 
Session 3 (Afternoon) Technology Developments in SSL: LEDs ad OLEDs Icon (59 KB) 
Prof. Dr. Beat Ruhstaller; Professor at Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), Institute of Computational Physics (ICP), Chairman at Fluxim AG, Winterthur ZH Design and Optimization of OLED Light-outcoupling Enhancement Structures Icon Ruhstaller (1.91 MB) 
Dr. Peter Chabrecek; Sefar AG Substrates for large area OLED, OLEC Icon Chabrecek (1.49 MB) 
Dr. Adrian von Mühlenen; Senior Innovation Manager at BASF Schweiz AG, Basel Advanced optical (fluorescent) materials for SSL Icon (59 KB) 
Prof. Dr. Nicolas Grandjean; EPFL Laboratory of Advanced Semiconductors for Photonics and Electronics (LASPE) at the Insitut de Photonique et d'Electronique Quantiques (IPEQ), EPFL Lausanne VD New developments in LED components for SSL Icon Grandjean (1.87 MB) 
Session 4 (Afternoon) New Developments in SSL: Towards Large Area SSL Luminaires Icon (59 KB) 
Dr. Mohammed Ibn-Elhaj; Head New Technologies at Rolic Technologies Ltd., Allschwil BL Functional Materials & Films for Light Management & OLEDs Icon Ibn-Elhaj (4.89 MB) 
Prof. Dr. Patrik Hoffmann; Head - Laboratory Advanced Materials Processing, EMPA Thun / Crealas GmbH Thun Outcoupling schemes by large area microstructured surfaces Icon Hoffmann (2.73 MB) 
Dr. Harun Solak; CEO Eulitha AG, Würenlingen AG Nano-patterning for better and more efficient photonic devices Icon Solak (2.61 MB) 
Dr. Christoph S. Harder; President Swissphotonics NTN, 8832 Wollerau SZ Panel moderator Future Challenges in SSL: from Technology to Market Icon (59 KB) 
Albert Studerus; CEO Geschäftsstelle Schweizer Licht Gesellschaft SLG, 3000 Bern 8 Panelist Icon (59 KB) 
Dr. Christian Hochfilzer; Technical Director Regent Beleuchtungskörper AG, 4018 Basel Panelist Icon (59 KB) 
Oscar Salas, Coordinador General. Conocimiento Científico-Tecnológico, 48170 Zamudio, España Panelist Icon (59 KB) 
Huub Ubbens, Designer, 34000 Montpellier France Panelist Icon (59 KB) 
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Swissphotonics, Verein Schweizer Laser und Photonik Netz VSLP | Sihleggstrasse 23 | CH-8832 Wollerau | E-Mail | |