SSSL - Swiss Solid State Lighting

SSSL provides consulting and contract R&D services for the Swiss industry with a focus on SMEs helping them to find research partners, knowledgeable people, employees and specialists. SSSL contributes to building a national SSL cluster that will allow Switzerland to be more competitive on an international level and to better serve the needs of Swiss companies active in the field of lighting and luminaires. Seminal talks will be organized with the collaboration of industrial partners or in the framework of the dissemination activities of running projects (e.g. LASSIE-FP7) in order to increase the awareness on the technological, social and economic challenges of SSL.

The main services comprise
  • Feasibility and case studies
  • Supply of test components, characterization and metrology
  • Access to standard know-how and equipment in SSL
Through the close cooperation of several institutes we will be able to provide a comprehensive span of services that require specialized expertise or equipment, which extends beyond the scope of a single institution. Unique and expensive equipment are shared amongst the partners.

LED and OLED technology as well as the corresponding optics, electronics and mechanical design is developing very quickly driven by constantly evolving new applications. SMEs usually have only very limited resources in terms of funds, know-how and specialized staff and have therefore difficulties in keeping pace. SSSL helps Swiss SMEs to speed up their product development in order to increase their international competitiveness.


Rolando Ferrini
+41 61 690 60 13

Muttenz BL

Responsible of FEMTOprint SA
Swissphotonics, Verein Schweizer Laser und Photonik Netz VSLP | Sihleggstrasse 23 | CH-8832 Wollerau | E-Mail | |