Follow up: Workshop meeting minutes Hilton Airport Munich Minutes Photonics21 Wg4 Meeting Munich 11 5 2016 + Participants list. Proposals: P21TF_Displays_20160519.pdf, P21WG4DisplaysProposalV1_0.pdf, Photonics21_WG4_Lighting_Roadmap_2018_2020.doc, Photonics21_WG4_OPV_Roadmap_2018_2020.doc. Feedback to the proposals can be given until June 6th
Follow up: Photonics Research and Innovation Priority Setting Process for H2020 Work Programmes 2018 - 2020 Photonics21 Work Group 4 scheduled another workshop on 11 May 2016 at the Hilton Airport Munich conference venue. The workshop continued the discussions of the Brussels workshop and presented the results of the three task forces lighting, displays and electronics.
Have your say! - Photonics Public Private Partnership Annual Meeting 2016 01 - 02 March 2016 - Brussels, Le Plaza Hotel in Brussels. Kick off: Photonics PPP call topics for Horizon2020 Work Programme 2018/2020 More information
Swiss Strategic Research Agenda - June 2014
Photonics21 WG 4: Emerging Lighting
Swiss Emerging Lighting Market - SWOT analysis
Photonics Enabled Industries
Research activities for customized solutions, only.
New interesting developments mainly around low cost high efficient OLEDs.
Good pull from industry to develop OLED market segment midterm.
Integration and special solutions in the focus of the industry.
No major LED manufacture in Switzerland.
Funding and development activities small compared to energy related topics.
Labor and production cost too high in Switzerland for significant manufacturing efforts.
Difficult market access for new technologies (inexperienced SMEs with little support).
Good technology base and research available.
Funding of organic solar cell research yields additional activities around high brightness OLED development.
Momentum and national market not sufficient for a sustainable development.
Continuous prize / cost pressure from Asia.
Swissphotonics, Verein Schweizer Laser und Photonik Netz VSLP | Sihleggstrasse 23 | CH-8832 Wollerau | E-Mail | |