
Project Partner Search: silicon photonics / communication

-----Original Message-----
From: 'ten'chi$noy/low%gyi'-ao'lef1rtr9@ec6ntc%ery3prl5isw4e-y2eub-row0peq'-nr0ets.wor$rks'.cf8hw
Sent: Dienstag, 12. April 2016 14:10
To: Francesco Kienzle
Subject: EEN - Technology RESEARCH: H2020 FET-OPEN-01-2016-2017 (RIA): Consortium seeks SME partner in the area of silicon photonics or optical communications for nanophotonics project.
Dear Mr Kienzle,
According to your profile of interest for the Technology e-Alert of the Enterprise Europe Network we have the pleasure to send you the following technology profile:

Title: H2020 FET-OPEN-01-2016-2017 (RIA): Consortium seeks SME partner in the area of silicon photonics or optical communications for nanophotonics project.
Abstract: A German university is setting up a consortium for the FET OPEN call. The aim is to establish interfacial self-assembly of colloids as a radically new approach to nanophotonics. They are looking for an industrial partner, preferably a high-tech SME, with experience in the area of silicon photonics or optical communications in order to complete the consortium. The partner would contribute by assessing and testing in this research cooperation.
For more details:

Euresearch | Swiss guide to European research and innovation
Francesco Kienzle, PhD 
National Contact Point for Future Emerging Technologies (FET) and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

Euresearch Head Office | Effingerstrasse 19 | CH - 3008 Bern
phone: +41 31 380 60 07 | Twitter: @FcoKienzle | skype: kienzle.euresearch

Swissphotonics, Verein Schweizer Laser und Photonik Netz VSLP | Sihleggstrasse 23 | CH-8832 Wollerau | E-Mail | |